The City of Miami held a groundbreaking ceremony marking the beginning of the Miami Marine Stadium Project, which involves the widening of a boat ramp and the re-pavement of the Basin Trail. The ceremony was held at the Marine Stadium today at 10:30.
District 2 Commissioner Damian Pardo attended and spoke about the project.
The goal of both projects is to better the quality of life for residents in Miami. The aim is to make improvements to the Basin Trail, as it provides connectivity to nature. By widening the boat ramp, residents will have more access to water for their boats, according to Pardo.
MAST Academy’s Green Champions attended the meeting to question the environmental impacts of the project. Civil engineer Christopher Zavatsky addressed these concerns.
“[Tetra Tech] did a study on the plant and animal species in the area and found that most species inhabit the area in the fall so we guided construction to take place between February to July so the inhabitants won’t be disturbed,” Zavatsky told The Beacon.
Zavatsky added that the drainage system for the trail will be natural. There used to be an asphalt pavement and it will be replaced with a more porous material that will allow water to permeate into the soil.