By Amber Haydar
Features Editor
As we have begun the 2020-2021 school year through online means, it should come as no surprise that MAST Academy’s annual club fair will also be conducted virtually. The “MAST 2020 Club Fair” Team can be found on every MAST student’s Microsoft Teams—each club owning their own channel, posting information and applications for their club, and hosting Zoom sessions at designated times for those interested in learning more. The fair will take place on October 1st and 2nd.

However, with a total of 43 different kinds of clubs to acquaint yourself with, discovering which clubs you may have an interest in can get a bit confusing. By using this comprehensive guide of each club at our maritime-based school, we hope to make the process that much easier in terms of distinguishing which clubs are best suited for each student’s individual strengths and interests.
Architecture and Design Club: Its purpose is to establish a community of students with a common interest in architecture and design, as well as to generate interest in those fields and give students a chance to work beside other like-minded students interested in architecture and design. The club encourages students to explore the architecture in Miami, hosts student-led discussions regarding architecture, and visit museums, art exhibits, and historical sites in Miami.
Art Appreciation Club: The program is dedicated to helping students understand the inter-subject links between art and their fields of interest. They strive to help students understand that engineers, biologists, chemists, mathematicians all play an active role in the art community around the world.
Astronomy Club: This club promotes astronomical science awareness to our students and within our community. This club is for anyone who wants to learn about how the universe works and how we, as humans, fit into that narrative. Any person who wants to discuss a specific astronomical topic in this club has the opportunity to do so and more.
Bible Club: The club is an open environment for students to express their faith and deepen their knowledge of Christ. And while a club that discusses the word of the Bible may seem biased in terms of faith and spirituality, all are welcome to attend Bible Club, regardless of their beliefs.
Black Student Association: Formerly the Black Student Union, this is a club that welcomes all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, other cultural identities and strives to promote diversity, increase awareness, and provide service to members and the community. They are committed to building awareness of issues that relate to students of color and their collection of cultures and/or history.
Creative Writing Club: This club is welcoming for anyone who has a special interest in writing, especially creative narratives or poems. The Creative Writing Club is responsible for producing the school’s annual literary magazine: Spilt Milk. They are one of the three journalism publications at MAST Academy.
Drama Club: As a subsidiary of the Performing Arts Club, the Drama club holds an annual play every year of their choosing in which student actors and performers can showcase their talents, particularly in acting and singing.
Eclipse Club: ECLIPSE works to raise awareness in the school about the importance of living sustainably. The club is open to any student in MAST Academy with an interest in the environment and who will actively participate in making the school more environmentally friendly. This year we will be having beach cleanups and several sustainability workshops in order to educate people on how being environmentally friendly is easier than people think.
Environmental Action Club: The Environmental Action Club works hard in order to maintain and expand the school garden, as well as to increase environmental awareness within the students of MAST Academy.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA): A national Career and Technical Student Organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career preparation opportunities for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA is available for high school students at MAST.
French National Honor Society: The aim of this organization is to stimulate interest in the study of French, promote high standards of scholarship, reward scholastic achievements, and to create an understanding of francophone culture and civilization.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): Their aim is to sensitize students to the diverse business and economic environment around them by exposing the members to real or realistic business situations. Through their participation, members will emerge with a better understanding of the prevalent currents, trends, and skills necessary to succeed in business.
Future Educators of America (FEA): This club provides its members with knowledge and experiences that develop qualities and aptitudes essential to successful teaching. They also develop an appreciation of public education and the contributions that have been made by teachers, public schools, colleges and universities, teacher unions, and other professional organizations to American society.
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA): GSA promotes the understanding of social misconceptions and fosters respect for all individuals that are encountered throughout their future. Utilizing active and stimulated discussion among leaders and members to raise enlightenment of current social issues that will break down the barriers of oppression and privilege, while maintaining diversity in thoughts and ideas. They strive to create a social circle to promote mutual understanding, create a support group, and receive & share accurate information.
German National Honor Society: This organization recognizes the outstanding academic achievement of learners of German and rewards scholastic achievement in the study of German to promote interest in the study of the language, literature, and civilization.
Health Information Project (HIP): HIP is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to educate adolescents and young adults about their health and to encourage and assist them in accessing existing community health resources. Run by Seniors and juniors at MAST, they go into classes and educate freshmen about the dangers present in our current society and how to avoid them. Sophomores have the chance to apply at the end of the academic year.
International Thespian Honor Society: This honor society is an exclusive honor one for the most passionate of performers. By dedicating your time to either the Drama Club or Tech and Stage Crew, you could be inducted and graduate with the esteemed blue and gold chords.
Jewish Student Union: The mission of Jewish Student Union is to get more Jewish teens attending public high schools to participate in traditional Jewish activities and to educate all students about the Jewish religion.
Junior State of America (JSA): JSA is MAST’s debate team is a political discussion based club that allows students to explore the boundaries of their civic duty, fight apathy and expand their knowledge on current events in their country and across the globe.
MAST Buddies High School: MAST Buddies is compromised of high school students dedicated to promoting positivity and aiding new students in acclimating to their environment. The program would help navigate the vigorous waters of transitioning into a high school environment, as well as, help guide these students in fulfilling their academic goals and aspirations.
MAST Cancer Awareness Club: MAST Cancer Awareness club is an alliance among students, teachers, and staff working alongside the American Cancer Society and other cancer awareness organizations dedicated to diminishing cancer’s prevalence through awareness, advocacy, fundraising, and service.
MAST Coding Club: The gender gap in computing has actually been getting worse since the 1980s. By 2020, there will be 1.4 million jobs available in computing-related fields. US graduates are on track to fill 29% of those jobs. Women are on track to fill just 3%. The purpose of this club is to close the gender gap in technological careers.
MAST Miami Historic Preservation Club: The purpose of the Preservation Club is to educate students of Miami-Dade County’s architectural, environmental, and cultural heritage and encourage preservation and advocacy. They collect and preserve artifacts and information that may be connected with or may illustrate the history of MAST Academy in an effort to record history, traditions, and events for future students and staff.
MAST Psychology Club: MAST Psychology Club also strives to reduce any negative stigma associated with mental illness. The club serves to create camaraderie among peers, with a joint interest in psychology, to navigate their way through the seemingly endless pressures, stresses, and questions surrounding the adolescent mind.
MAST Yoga and Wellness Club: This club represents four different aspects: Yoga, General Health, Mental Health Awareness, and Community Service. Its purpose is to create a community that promotes a mindful mentality and a balanced body, serving students of all interests with a strong focus on volunteer service, mental well-being, community health, and a profound appreciation for life.
Mako E-Sports: The E-Sports Club serves as a place for casual players to enjoy the games they like playing, and for more competitive players to have an environment in which they can grow as a player. Be it through sponsored tournaments at school or national semi-professional tournaments, students will have a chance to earn scholarships and showcase their skills.
Mecha Makos Robotics: This MAST club allows students to participate in a variety of engineering and technology-related competitions (including VEX Robotics and the FIRST Tech Challenge. This diverse range of activities provides students the opportunity to learn how to design and construct robots.
Mecha Makos Middle Robotics Club: Mecha Makos Middle Robotics Club follows the same collection of activities as Mecha Makos Robotics does, but are accessible to middle school students.
Model UN Team: Model UN is a “sub-club” of the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society. Meets comprise of a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more.
Mu Alpha Theta: Mu Alpha Theta is the National High School Mathematics Honor Society dedicated to inspiring interest within students in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school.
National Honor Society (NHS): The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. Members must exhibit overall academic excellence and participate in club service activities, community service, tutoring, and fundraising activities. Only applicable to high school juniors and seniors.
National English Honor Society (NEHS): The National English Honor Society (NEHS), founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, is the only national organization exclusively for high school students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS): NJHS is MAST’s middle school chapter of the National Honor Society. Also must exhibit general academic excellence in order to join.
News Crew: The MAST Academy news crew is responsible for producing, filming, editing, and delivering the morning announcements on a daily basis.
Ocean Conservation Club: A service club that is dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the ocean and organizing conservation events, such as shark tagging and beach cleanups. They are also responsible for maintaining all of the beautiful fish tanks around the school.
Performing Arts: Join to be apart of the Dance Crew, Rock Ensemble, or even Tech and Stage Crew. This year they will be holding virtual events to maintain students’ passion for the arts.
Quill and Scroll: An international honor society for student journalists with a goal to enhance each participant’s journalistic methods and techniques in order to better perform their roles as student journalists within MAST, as well as to promote awareness of the use of journalism within our school. Membership is open to staff members of The Beacon Newspaper, Mako Fuka Yearbook, or Spilt Milk Literary Magazine.
Rho Kappa: Rho Kappa is a nationally recognized organization with a mission to promote scholarship and recognize academic excellence in social studies at MAST. IncludING the sub-clubs of Model United Nations, and Students Against Gun Violence. Rho Kappa provides a forum for students to discuss and learn about social, political, cultural, and economic issues that the world and the United States are facing today.
Science National Honor Society: This organization is a prominent scientific group that provides tools to a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of the industry, research, and scientific explanation for America. At MAST, you can participate in science bowl practices, review groups, drives, etc.
Spanish Honor Society: The purpose of this society is to learn about Spanish and Hispanic culture and to increase awareness and appreciation of these cultures among students and community members. Our chapter, Mosaico, is a member of the national organization associated with the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
TSA: Technology Student Association (TSA) is an organization that holds national and state level competitions for just about everything technology- from music production to coding. At MAST, we are one of less than 100 schools with the opportunity to compete at the state level. If you are interested in technology and want the collaborative experience of creating projects and solving problems in these fields, then you should consider joining TSA.
The Law Club: The Law Club gives students at MAST Academy a chance to learn the fundamentals of law more in-depth than any class. Students will gain knowledge that will help them pursue a career in law and will know and understand their rights. The Law Club is especially fitting for students who would like to have a career in law.
Women of Tomorrow: The Women of Tomorrow Mentor and Scholarship Program’s mission is to inspire, motivate, and empower at-risk young women to live up to their full potential through a unique mentoring program with highly accomplished professional women and scholarship opportunities.