By: Gracia Menendez
Staff Writer
Millions all over the world struggle with menstruation. Products that are needed for this are not cheap and therefore not everyone has the resources to deal with it in the proper way. Many are forced into ‘period poverty’; when they cannot afford to buy feminine hygiene products. There are many stories of women who have suffered with their periods and not being able to take the proper hygiene care because they do not have the money or resources to purchase pads, tampons, ect.

Scotland has become the first country in the world to make period products free. Scotland passed the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill. Member of Scottish Parliament Monica Lennon introduced this bill. She wanted to help stop period poverty. This law allows sanitary pads, tampons, and other sanitary products to be provided for free to anyone who needs them.
“This is often characterized as a women’s issue, but it is not. It is a social justice issue, an equalities issue, and a rights issue..Being financially penalized for a natural bodily function is not equitable or just” said Alison Johnstone, one of Lennon’s constituents.
The Scottish government will be allocating about $32 million each year to support this legislation. Products will be distributed through education centers such as schools and universities as well as in public places. Local law enforcement would make sure that the products are given free of charge.
In Miami, similar changes for women are also being made. The Lotus House is a program for homeless women. They provide these women with shelter, education, and medical attention. Most importantly they provide safety. This foundation will transform and improve the lives of women and their children here in Miami. Grassroots efforts like this today serve as the foundation for legislation tomorrow, and nationwide changes always start at home in our communities.