From left: Stefania DaGraca (world languages), Heidi Schultz (vocational-technical) and Christopher Aleman (athletics) pose after the Silver Knight ceremony. All three won Honorable Mention in their categories. Not pictured is Kush Mirchandani (visual arts). Photo via MAST Academy Instagram.
The Silver Knight ceremony took place on May 22, and four MAST Academy student were recognized with an Honorable Mention in their categories.
The four honorable menti0ns were given to:
In addition, this year MAST Academy had a finalist in all 15 categories.
The other finalists include:
For 66 years, the Miami Herald has hosted the Silver Knight Awards to recognize and congratulate South Florida high school seniors for their academic excellence and community service projects.
The winners of the Silver Knights Awards receive a $2,000 scholarship from the Herald Charities Foundation, a medallion, a Silver Knight statue, and 25,000 American Advantage miles, good for one round-trip ticket in the continental U.S., courtesy of American Airlines.