By Stefania Da GracaStaff Writer
February 3, 1978, President Ronald Reagan announced the first National Girls & Women in Sports Day, also known as (NGWSD), a day to celebrate women and girls who follow their passion. A celebration to motivate women and give them the strength and confidence to make them feel valid, essential and recognized by people, schools, teams and organizations all around the world for all kinds of sports.
Female athletes and teams are viewed as underrated, “I feel like there is a privilege in men’s sports since society works in a certain way in which guys in some ways are superior to women,” Mia Corbo said, one of our MAST freshmen that loves playing various sports. She is part of the MAST soccer team and also plays field hockey as part of the Key Biscayne team and is a girl that believes in her strength, proud of her communication with her team and efficiency to score goals. The National Girls and Women in Sports Day is a day to remind girl’s like Mia that they are seen that their gender shouldn’t lower their standards as athletes, that dreaming in their future is encouraged.
Freshmen Mia Corbo showing her girl power when playing field hockey (Photo courtesy of Mia Corbo)
These past years have been extra hard after many events and games were canceled. Hence, Women’s Sports Foundation decided to make it extra special and hosted the first Girl’s Fest, with the company of World Rugby Hall from Famer, WSF president Phaidra Knight interviewing an inspiring 9-year-old journalist Pepper Persley and LaChina Robinson, also known for an award-winning basketball analyst and not only that but many other virtual events avoiding the spread of covid but celebrating these powerful women. “I see myself playing this sport in the future and aspire to keep training” said freshmen Gaby Crespo, volleyball player who claims how happy her sport makes her and wishes to be just like American pro volleyball player Annie Drews one day. Girls wait for this day to share their love for their sports and celebrate their idols who they wish to be just like one day.